8 Jun 2024

Configuring RAID on Dell PowerEdge Servers

Configuring RAID on Dell PowerEdge Servers

Configuring RAID on Dell PowerEdge servers is crucial for data integrity and system performance.

If you’re setting up a Dell PowerEdge server, configuring RAID is an essential step to ensure data redundancy and performance. In this guide, we’ll walk through the process of creating a RAID configuration on a 13th generation PowerEdge server using the Device Settings menu.

Step-by-Step Guide

1. Access Device Settings

  • Press the F2 key during POST to enter the System Setup Menu.
  • Alternatively, press F10 during POST, select System Setup, then Hardware Settings from the LifeCycle Controller menu.
  • Click on Device Settings.

2. Choose RAID Controller

  • Select the RAID controller you want to configure.

3. Create Virtual Disk

  • Click on Main Menu.
  • Click on Configuration Management.
  • Select Create Virtual Disk.
  • Choose RAID level and physical disks configuration.
  • Choose Physical Disks From “typically Unconfigured Capacity”
  • Click Select Physical Disk.
  • Choose media type, select interface type, and locial section size.
  • Next, choose which physical disks will be used to configure the RAID.
  • Click Apply Changes.
  • Click OK.
  • Enter virtual disk name, then confirm the disk size, and other options.
  • Click Create Virtual Disk.
  • When creating a virtual disk, ALL DATA will be wiped from ALL DRIVES!!!
  • Confirm and click Yes.

4. Verify or Change Configuration

  • Click Virtual Disk Management.
  • Verify the virtual disk summary including name, size, and status.
  • Click on any virtual disk to verify or change its configuration details.
  • You can change the name and other settings under Advanced.
  • Click Apply Changes after making any modifications.


Configuring RAID on Dell PowerEdge servers is crucial for data integrity and system performance. By following these steps, you can create a RAID configuration that meets your specific requirements and ensures the reliability of your server storage.

For more detailed instructions and troubleshooting tips, refer to the official documentation provided by Dell.

📝 For more information about the RAID configurations, you can refer to this Dell Knowledge Base Article.