28 Sep 2024

Understanding Linux Last Command

Understanding Linux Last Command

The `last` command offers a detailed view of login sessions and system reboot.

The last command in Linux is a simple yet powerful tool used to display the login history of users on a system. It reads data from the /var/log/wtmp file and shows a list of all the users who have logged in and out since that file was created. This command is invaluable for system administrators who need to track user activity and diagnose potential security issues. With various options to filter and format the output, the last command offers a detailed view of login sessions and system reboots.

Overview of the last Command

The primary purpose of the last command is to track user logins and reboots. By default, it shows the most recent entries first, allowing system administrators to quickly see who has accessed the system and when.

Basic Syntax

The basic syntax of the last command is as follows:

last [options] [username] [tty]
  • Options: Various options to filter and format the output.
  • Username: Optional. Specify a particular user to see their login history.
  • TTY: Optional. Specify a particular terminal to see logins from that terminal.

Common Use Cases

Displaying All Login Records

To display all login records, simply run the last command without any options:


This command will output a list of all users who have logged into the system, along with their login times, durations, and the IP addresses (if applicable).

Displaying Login Records for a Specific User

To see the login history of a specific user, you can specify the username:

last username

Replace username with the actual username. This will filter the output to show only the login records for that particular user.

Useful Options

Limiting the Number of Entries

To limit the output to a specific number of entries, use the -n option followed by the number:

last -n 10

This command will display the 10 most recent login records.

Showing Reboots

To include system reboots in the output, use the -x option:

last -x

This is particularly useful for tracking system reboots and understanding system uptime.

Excluding IP Addresses

To exclude IP addresses from the output, use the -i option:

last -i

This can make the output cleaner and more focused on the login times and durations.

Displaying Only IP Addresses

Conversely, to display only the IP addresses without hostnames, use the -d option:

last -d

Example Usage

Here are some practical examples of using the last command:

Display all login records:


Display login records for user john:

last john

Display the last 5 login records:

last -n 5


The last command is an essential tool for system administrators to monitor user logins and system reboots. Its simplicity and versatility make it easy to quickly gather important information about who has accessed the system and when. By leveraging the various options available, you can customize the output to meet your specific needs and maintain better control over your Linux environment.

📝 For more information about the last command, review the last man page.